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SONA Online-Probandendatenbank

We invite the research-community in Magdeburg to join this project under Please spread the word to potential participants and researchers as well.

In an effort to streamline participant-aquisition across research institutions of Magdeburg (OVGU, Med, DZNE, LIN), an online participant database has been established at the University. Any registered researcher of any of the participating institutes (OVGU, Med, DZNE, LIN) is able to advertise running studies to interested participants on this system. Studies are being added with information about the experiment, inclusion- and exclusion-criteria for participants, offered payment (or credits for psychologist students) as well as available time-slots. Once a study is added, it becomes visible to all participants who are registered on the system. Researchers can manage their available time-slots for their experiments and participants can sign into interesting studies by themselves, while their privacy is protected. Any further specifics can subsequently be discussed between the researcher and the participant directly. This system allows for a more automated allocation of participants to a given study without endless calling through phone-lists or individual study advertisements.

If you are interested as a researcher or as participant, you can join the Magdeburg SONA participant portal here But in any ca, please spread the word!


Plattform der SONA Online-Probandendatenbank