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CBBS-Elections 2020 - all results


12.11.2020 -  CBBS Magdeburg

With a turnout of 87%, this year's CBBS elections have been successfully concluded. On 10.11.2020 at 12 noon the digital ballot boxes closed and the following results are now available:


Janelle Pakan

Application as: CBBS-Direktoriumsmitglied

votes in percent: 57,89%


Stefan Remy

Application as: CBBS-Direktoriumsmitglied

votes in percent: 53,68%


Oliver Stork

Application as: CBBS-Direktoriumsmitglied

votes in percent: 48,42%


Markus Ullsperger

Application as: CBBS-Direktoriumsmitglied

votes in percent: 41,05%


Frank Ohl

Application as: CBBS-Direktoriumsmitglied

votes in percent: 40,00%


Stefanie Schreiber

Application as: CBBS-Direktoriumsmitglied

votes in percent: 32,63%


Volkmar Leßmann

Application as: CBBS-Direktoriumsmitglied

votes in percent: 31,58%


Oliver Speck

Application as: CBBS-Direktoriumsmitglied

votes in percent: 31,58%


Aiden Haghikia

Application as: CBBS-Direktoriumsmitglied

votes in percent: 22,11%


Constanze Seidenbecher

Application as:Beratendes Mitglied

votes in percent: 73,68%

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Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg

LIN Leibniz Institute for Neurobiology Magdeburg

Promoting young researchers

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