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CBBS Research Groups


In order to introduce the neuroscientific location Magdeburg to young talent and to improve its international visibility, CBBS sponsors small workgroups and junior professorships.

Young research group leader positions are an extension of the Excellence Cluster and play an integrative role in connecting clinical and application-oriented research findings for the function of the healthy and diseased brain from human and animal trials.

Excellent postdoctoral applicants may apply for these positions to promote their career by obtaining the skills associated with building and leading their own workgroups.

These independent young workgroups reflect mission of CBBS to be recognized as internationally acknowledged talent forge and creates attractive positions for scientist between PhD completion and tenured professorships. Supporting and advancing women in science fins special consideration in these programs.

We have selected the following contestants for sponsorship from the numerous applications we have received:


Research group Jocham

CBBS Research Group Cognitive Neuroscience

Project leader: Dr. Gerhard Jocham





Research group HankeCBBS Research Group Psychological Methodology

Project leader: Dr. Michael Hanke





Research group PreuschhofCBBS Research Group Clinical Developmental Psychology

Project leader: Dr. Claudia Preuschhof





C CBBS Wetzel newCBBS Research Group Neurocognitive Development

Project leader: Dr. Nicole Wetzel





pakan smallCBBS Research Group Neural Circuits & Network Dynamics

Project leader: Dr. Janelle Pakan


Mehr Sichtbarkeit durch Forschungsdatenmanagement

Universität Magdeburg wird Mitglied im Netzwerk Nationale Forschungsdateninfrastruktur

Maßgeschneiderte Therapiekonzepte in der Neuropsychosomatik

Neue Professur für Translationale Interventions- und Psychotherapieforschung stärkt Forschung zu psychischer Gesundheit an der Universitätsmedizin Magdeburg.

Neue Veranstaltungsreihe an der Universitätsmedizin Magdeburg: „Psychiatrisch-Psychotherapeutisches Kolloquium und Trialog-Forum Magdeburg“

Vorstellung aktueller Forschung und innovativer Therapiekonzepte für psychische Erkrankungen im Dialog mit Betroffenen, Angehörigen und Fachkräften.

press releases



Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg

LIN Leibniz Institute for Neurobiology Magdeburg

Promoting young researchers

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