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Press release

CBBS finances neurosciences-exhibition at the Magdeburg Millennium Tower

The Millennium Tower at Elbauenpark Magdeburg presents in an impressive fashion how the world has evolved in the past 6,000 years, including the human race and its technological advances. This takes us on a time-travel journey from the early stages of science and technology of the first high civilizations to modern-day science as we know it. On the 5th level of the Millennium Tower, we find the permanent exhibition of today’s fields of science, including the Magdeburg neurosciences of the Otto-von-Guericke University and the Leibnitz Institute of Neurobiology, represented by the CBBS.

Momentarily, the exhibition is in the final stages of completion, which is anticipated for spring 2015. The gallery shows some first impressions:


Mehr Sichtbarkeit durch Forschungsdatenmanagement

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Maßgeschneiderte Therapiekonzepte in der Neuropsychosomatik

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press releases



Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg

LIN Leibniz Institute for Neurobiology Magdeburg

Promoting young researchers

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