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Press release

International prize competition:
Win up to 5,000 EUR!

In the year 2013, an extensive dataset to investigate auditory perception was recorded in one of the world's most powerful magnetic resonance imaging systems in a joint effort of different CBBS workgroups in Magdeburg. This dataset is unique worldwide in terms of combination of size and paradigm. Participants listened to an audio-version of the film "Forest Gump" while their brain activity and a number of physiological parameters were monitored for the entire duration of 2 hours. The functional recordings were complemented by numerous structural images of the brain.

This dataset is now entirely made publicly available by a junior professor from Magdeburg, Dr. Michael Hanke, to intensify the cooperation with other workgroups and to establish new interdisciplinary teams of researchers. Possible projects include the investigation of auditory attention processes and cognition, as well as language, music or social perception. It is also possible to validate and compare the data analysis algorithms for clinical applications or fundamental research, for example.

The CBBS supports interdisciplinary research projects and is offering a prize money of up to 5,000 EUR for the best application of this publicized dataset which can be found at


Homepages with press releases:

Press review:
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Article from 09/15/2014


Der Forscher Michael Hanke (links) macht sich für Open Science stark. Seine Juniorprofessur inkl. Personal und Ausstattung wird vom Center for Behavioral Brain Sciences gefördert. Der 7-Tesla Kernspintomograph am Leibniz Institut für Neurobiologie, an dem die Forscher ihre Daten erhoben haben

Photo caption: Left: The 7-Tesla magnetic resonance imaging machine at Leibniz Institut for Neurobiology, where the researchers have gathered the data. Right: Researcher Michael Hanke (left) is supporting Open Science. His junior professorship including personnel and equipment is supported by the Center for Behavioral Brain Sciences. © Center for Behavioral Brain Sciences, OVGU Magdeburg / Foto: D. Mahler

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Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg

LIN Leibniz Institute for Neurobiology Magdeburg

Promoting young researchers

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