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LSA Fellows 12 

Project titel: Development of neuroplastin-derived TRAF6-binding peptides with a wide-range of anti-inflammatory properties: Applications to neurodegenerative processes

Projectleader: Dr. Rodrigo Herrera-Molina



In traumatic brain injuries, cerebral ischemia, and also in Alzheimer's disease, multiple sclerosis, and Parkinson's disease, our brains can suffer a large inflammation and even neurons can lose their specific connections called synapses. One main reason for the occurrence of these events is the chronic activation of glial cells namely microglial cells and astrocytes. Indeed, inflammatory glial cells can generate large amounts of substances toxic to neurons.

Can we control and modulate excessive inflammation by glial cells? This project aims to create and test new molecular tools to stop the inflammatory activation of glial cells, and this way to protect neurons from being damaged. For this purpose, we transfer our knowledge on protein-protein interactions to develop small peptides with the specific capacity to change the inflammatory behavior of glial cells.

Furthermore, this proposal points towards the future development of therapeutic peptides with potential to lessen neurodegenerative processes in vivo and to establish long-term collaborative efforts with translational-oriented CBBS groups. 

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