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Project group 8 


Project leader:

Prof. Dr. Stefan Pollmann and Dr. Reshanne Reeder   



c CBBS 1 PollmannNonretinal vision is a term for visual experience in the absence of external stimulation (e.g., visual imagery, visual working memory, visual hallucination). Many previous studies have found that humans can use nonretinal vision to influence visual perceptual task performance (e.g., holding the identity of an upcoming target in mind prior to performing a search), but different studies have made vastly different conclusions about the extent of this influence. One issue is that individual differences in nonretinal vision are rarely taken into account, but they may greatly impact perception. For example, there is a wide spectrum of nonretinal visual vividness: on one end, there are people who cannot visualize even familiar concrete objects (aphantasia). On the other end, some people have such strong nonretinal vividness that it interferes with visual perception on a daily basis, as in the case of synaesthesia (e.g., uncontrollably imagining colors attached to letters of the alphabet).

The main goal of this project is to investigate the extent to which individual differences in nonretinal vividness and precision impact behavioral and cortical correlations with visual perception.

Prof. Dr. Daniela Dieterich weiterhin an der Spitze der Medizinischen Fakultät in Magdeburg

Die Biochemikerin wurde als Dekanin wiedergewählt und tritt damit ihre zweite Amtszeit an.

Bessere Erholung nach Schlaganfall: Frühzeitige Kombinationstherapie macht den Unterschied

Eine neue Studie der Universitätsmedizin Magdeburg zeigt, dass eine frühe durch Gehirnaktivität gesteuerte Therapie die Beweglichkeit des Arms nach einem Schlaganfall deutlich verbessern kann.

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Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg

LIN Leibniz Institute for Neurobiology Magdeburg

Promoting young researchers

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