The CBBS brings together 104 researchers from seven different faculties of the OVGU, the LIN and the DZNE.
Application for CBBS is started through an informal letter of intent to the CBBS board of directors. Please attach your CV along with your publication record and history of third party funding acquisitions. Please send this application via Email to the CBBS coordinator. New members are decided upon by the CBBS board of directors.
Prerequisites for becoming a full member are:
1) Completed PhD and own external third party funding at time of application
2) Excellent publication record (age-related), alternative patents or similar merits of excellence
3) Membership of one of the research institutions in Magdeburg (otherwise you will only be able to become an associate member as stated below)
Prerequisites for becoming a temporary full member are:
1) Completed PhD and sponsorship by CBBS or CBBS ScienceCampus
2) Membership is limited to duration of sponsorship but a change to full membership is possible when criteria are met.
3) Young postdocs may become CBBS members without funding though CBBS or CBBS ScienceCampus, but their membership will be limited to three years after PhD graduation. Once the prerequisites are fulfilled, an application for full membership is possible.
Prerequisites for becoming an associate member are:
Emeriti, external scientists (e.g. former members), industry or administration candidates