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Press release

CBBS-supported project receives scientific award „Biopsychology 2014“

The specialized group Biological Psychology and Neuropsychology of the German Society of Psychology will award a publication prize to Magdeburg scientist Adrian G. Fischer on June 19th 2014 to honor his outstanding work that has been published in the internationally renowned journal Neuron. His research was conducted in the workgroup of Prof. Markus Ullsperger and supported by Magdeburg’s Research Center CBBS.

Find out more about this project here.



Caption: Magdeburg scientist Adrian G. Fischer receives an award for publication of his CBBS-supported paper „Real and Fictive Outcomes Are Processed Differently but Converge on a Common Adaptive Mechanism“ in the international journal Neuron.

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LIN Leibniz Institute for Neurobiology Magdeburg

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