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Press release


CBBS member Prof. Bertram Gerber gives a lecture at Old Town Hall Magdeburg
November 24th, at 7pm

CBBS member and director of the Genetics of Learning and Memory Department of Leibnitz Institute for Neurobiology, Prof. Bertram Gerber gives a guest lecture at Old Town Hall Magdeburg on November 24th at 7pm. As part of the series “Science at the Town Hall”, Prof. Gerber lectures on the role of the brain on behavior and how fruit flies support the work of the scientists on this subject.

Find out more about Prof. Gerber here.

 gerber1 gerber2

Caption: Prof. Gerber works in experiments with fruit flies (left) and their larvae (right) and studies among other things their inclination to certain fragrances in order to determine the impact of odors on their behavior.





Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg

LIN Leibniz Institute for Neurobiology Magdeburg

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